Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Taste like chicken... and paste...

Today’s lunch was a Healthy Choice Café Steamer; this one was the “Top Chef Season 10 Challenge Winner” Crust less Chicken Pot Pie.  I like the concepts behind the line because the flavors and textures are generally left more intact than with traditional Nuke foods.  This one promises chicken tenderloins with carrots, corn, peas and dumplings in a pot pie sauce, and when I put it together that’s pretty much what it looks like.  I think they choose soup, stew looking meals to hide the fact that at the end of the day it’s really a gelatinous mass.

Where to begin with the fail pile?  Well, I think putting out a positive note the vegetables were fresh tasting and reasonably crisp… until you look at the ratio.  There are far too many carrots and an overwhelming amount of corn.  Corn being nothing more than a fattening agent, it always irritates me when I open one of these and it’s a huge bowl of corn with little else for any real nutrition.

The sauce is a thick, chicken stock based cream sauce, nothing too spectacular in its creation really.  Looking at the ingredients, the words cornstarch and flavoring are all over it.  I think this explains why it seemed so condensed.

The chicken was moist enough, but seemed void of any real seasoning unless dredged through the goop.  On its own the texture fell apart nicely, which is a nice change from typical dry chicken one gets out of the microwave however with all the changes in microwaved food containers you only really get dry chicken from overheating leftovers.   

The most disappointing of all was the dumplings, large white mounds of dough that seemed to overcook in the steam basket and therefore be unable to soak up any broth.  Biting into one of the deceptive looking dumplings yielded something more foul than how they looked.  How they tasted…  Globs of paste like dough coated my mouth in a disappointing array of yuck…

“At least I’m eating healthy” I thought as I chomped into another bite of food glue.  Wrong!  Not only is this thing backed with filler and artificial ingredients its 300 cal of cornstarch and salt.  Sure there are 20 grams of protein but the 40 grams of carbs are so not worth it.  And what’s worse is the intense stomach cramping that followed a short time later.  I think if I were to do this again, it would be to serve a large bowl to someone I truly believed to be full of shit.  Blah!       

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