Monday, March 10, 2014

Something wicked this way comes: A Once Upon a Time Recap

Once came back in full fantasy glory after its mid-season break as prince Philip rides gallantly to dramatic music.  Turns out a very pregnant and very hungry Arora is waiting on him to have lunch, wa wa wa….  It does however set up some great background to everyone getting back to the enchanted forest.  Is it just me or does Snow look better with the extremely short boy cut, and why is it Regina looks way better in modern clothes than the fantastic out fits of the enchanted forest.  Don’t get me wrong she looks amazing but, there is totally something more appealing to the power suit.

Now getting away from all the shock for a moment, remember Emma had just been kissed by Hook, no I’m not a fan of hook swan spit swapping.  Apparently, Emma wasn’t either because she has herself a steady fella in the new life she’s created, Walsh played but Christopher Gorham.  Who is this guy?  Well that plagued me too; the face was so familiar that it got in the way of the episode at first.  Now, think Ugly Betty, a show I miss all the time and wish had never been canceled, suddenly it all fell into place.  He used to be Betty’s nerdy “love of her life” accountant until he became a father and the story line didn’t pan out.  She ended up with a better catch in my opinion.

Back to the story Walsh and Emma sit down to a special dinner and he’s practically vomiting “I Love You’s” all over the table.  Emma still off somewhere in her head and reeling from her encounter with hook is almost a drift, think lonely blonde balloon.  Walsh excuses himself for a moment and in his place sits hook to try once more to get Emma to listen to reason.  Before he is rushed off with Emma’s denial he slips her Neil’s address as a way to prove that he’s telling the truth.  As if that’s not enough on her plate Walsh proposes with an ice cream sundae, not very original but, what are you gonna do right?  Emma asks for time, I’m going to go with that’s not really going to work out.
Back in the enchanted forest, the new arrivals decide that they will head for Regina’s castle and from there repair the kingdoms as a united front.  Arora and Philip offer Snow and Charming horses and aide to be able to reach the castle, still between a few people there is a definite apprehensions. 

Balefire and Hook have their own agendas to work.  Hook is going after the Jolly Rodger and eventually Emma.  Let’s be real, he’s never going to stop traipsing after Bale’s girl.  Balefire or Neil has a similar idea, but his involves trying to get back his father and find a way back to the real world.  Man Emma can inspire men to do just about anything.

Still not all is right in the enchanted forest, as our lovely band of merry characters trek onward to the castle.  As soon as they leave Arora reveals there is a “she” or “her” that has taken control of this land.  Arora has every intention of alerting this ominous presence much to Philips dismay.  The problem with fighting with a pregnant woman, they will always push their stomachs ahead of them.  That is just what our ex sleeping beauty does, in an ugly move she convinces Philip that if they do not rat out their old allies then the new force of evil will take it out upon their unborn child.  Heh, she’s probably right actually….

Back in the present, or our world, Emma is pledged by thoughts of Hook.  The curiosity burns inside her until she goes the address, Neil’s apartment, and sees the dream catcher and Henry’s camera.  If the memories were true that couldn’t have happened.  Instead of believing in Hook, Emma decides to set him up and has him arrested for assault.  That’s right drag the pirate dressed guy in eyeliner to the clink, this should be interesting.

In the enchanted forest, Regina has retreated back to her old ways and has decided that she must again burry her heart because it’s better than living with the pain of losing Henry.  As a mother I could never imagine saying goodbye to my son forever and to be honest if I could never hold him again I’d rip my heart out myself.  Snow, always being miss “work through your feelings” convinces her that feeling nothing at all isn’t worth it.  That would have been a great bonding moment if it wasn’t for the freaking flying monkey that comes tearing out of the bushes.

After some serious swooping and scratching, the pair is saved by Robin Hood and his Merry Men.  Hey look, she finally met the man with the lion tattoo, thanks Tinkerbelle, better late than never right?  I wouldn’t count Regina’s interaction as love struck though more like I seriously dislike you but you have a hot body.  I suppose it would be better if he didn’t “smell like forest.”

Sprung from the brig, Emma meets Hook at the jail.  He seems a little shaken and I would be too if a police officer tried to force feed me “Bologna.”  That just sounds incredibly dirty doesn’t it?  Not as bizarre as someone who has been force fed lunch meat offering you magic potions.  I guess it’s a good thing that the potion worked isn’t it?  It allows Emma to remember everything which spells tragedy for Walsh.  I don’t think you can marry someone based on false memories of a life unlived can you?  Well Walsh isn’t that upset, or rather Walsh isn’t real.  Walsh is a flying monkey that has had a disguise spell cast on him.  That’s right a flying monkey, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Emma has slept with that flying monkey… 

Back in the enchanted forest the team manages to make it to the castle, only to find that there is a spell on it not allowing them in.  In her anger Regina makes goldilocks references and veiled threats of violence.  Man, I thought having a heart would have made her relax, you know like insta-zanex.  No?  Well then let’s take this woman ruffing it!  At least that’s where I thought this was all going.

Emma returns to Story Brooke and finds her parents, Snow and Charming.  So much for being put back in the Enchanted Forest forever right?  Here’s the kick, they don’t know how it happened or why but they are back and cannot remember the last year of their lives.  However, they probably should start thinking long and hard about it, because Snow is very pregnant. 

The end of the episode reveals what most of us already figured out a long time ago, the presence in the enchanted forest is the wicked witch of the west.  There is an ominous potion in a bottle that glows as the monkey that attacked Regina adds a drop of her blood.  The episode sums up what I’ve always known, “wicked always wins.”       


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