Ink Master struck a chord with the emotional as we speed to the top three. Instead of a flash challenge the artists are must do two finished pieces and the first was a real gut wrencher. The remaining four were asked to tattoo the chest of four different women who have under gone various stages to remove breast cancer and rebuild the breast. When dealing with a mastectomy patient, there is always that feeling of real pain, especially from woman to woman. These brave warriors have faced one of the deadliest conditions that we face as humans and in so have scared a large part of not only the body but that idea of feminie.
Now, all women are beautiful, however when you look in the mirror and see such a large part of you cut away, there has to be a feeling of loss to the confidence. After the small scare I’ve had it made me so paranoid, and to see these women trying to take their powers back was inspiring. Perhaps, however this was definitely the challenge for one artist in particular. Halo, who is a cancer survivor, felt this challenge and really decided to drive it home.
Each of the women really did get a beautiful piece, however floral it all felt. It was all hit and miss for me because if my lack of real love for floral designs. Still the colors and vibrancy of 3 out of 4 of the tattoos really shaped and added to the beauty of these women and their story. The one that I was disappointed in however, was Scott. His was minimal and just didn’t read to me as something that really embraced the delicate nature of the canvas. Still, the judges fawned all over him and praised the ground he walked on… But there’s no favorites right?
The next challenge was a little less touchy feely and a lot more bland. Remember the first week when the artists had to earn their shops and were forced to tattoo convention style. Well this challenge was to cover up the crappy tattoos that were left over by that challenge. So, basically they got another cover up challenge, big deal. To make it a bit more fun they had to interview for the canvas they wanted, but this really only seemed to matter to Halo. Halo won the cover up challenge but suddenly doesn’t do cover ups at all.
After a ton of smack talk by Scott about a mediocre Asian style lion being a top look. However, you could still see the flawed star under the claws of the lion. Mind you, even the judges pointed that out, still the judges act as if that's completely acceptable. Since when is seeing the tattoo that you attempt to cover a proper cover up? I mean are they ever going to see what a gigantic sack of douche this guy is?
The true winner of the cover up challenge was Sausage. This guy has serious skills, turning an in even plane and circle design into a half sleeve that anyone could be proud of. The use of maps and landmarks were so high quality, the major con would be that it would be to add to the design.
Matti, on the other hand, in my opinion, blew it. His attempt to cover the face he got in blue roses came out like a smurf had been crushed on this girls arm next to a nice tattoo. It was in desperate need of proportion and black. It's as if he wanted to lay tattoos on too of eachother and hope it looks alright. Ultimately, it's a design flaw.
Halo's final project was more flowers. By the end of the episode I was sick of flowers. The major problem was that in comparison to the breast cancer tattoo, the second tattoo lack definition and finish. He must have rushed the design in hind sight which caused him to miss several details.
After the judges run through a bogus critique, that I truly believe completely over looked Scott's major flaws, Halo is sent home. I believe it's just more proof that Scott Marshal is given a favorite card and that the judges over look his crappy work. I have no clue why but, it's pretty obvious that there's something not quite right here...
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