Monday, April 28, 2014

The powers of love and magic: A Once Upon a Time Recap

Here we are in Storybrooke with far more questions than answers this week as we dive into the mystery of the missing year.  So far, we know that Zelina is the long lost and forgotten sister of Regina, and her goal is to turn back time and stop Cora from abandoning her.  Pretty clear goal, wouldn’t you say?  Understanding this we can see that she is collecting what she needs, Rumple’s brain, Regina’s heart, Charming’s courage, and Snow’s baby for a recipe for disaster, but why did she bring them to Storybrooke with the dark curse?  Even more important, what did she use to bring them back?  Knowing that you have to sacrifice the heart of the thing you love most, it leaves us to wonder, what does Zelina love?  Perhaps what we should have been asking was did Zelina bring them to Storybrooke or was it the work of someone else?


The answers to this lye back in the Enchanted Forest where the Charming’s are preparing to announce their pregnancy in an effort to give the people hope… How a royal brat equals hope is beyond me but there you have it.  Of, course Regina has to be herself and attempt to “poo – poo” their special day, when Belle arrives at the castle to tell the Charming’s what we, the audience already know about Rumple and Neil.  Rumple being alive could be a huge advantage if they can get a clear answer on how to defeat the Wicked Witch out of him, and a quest begins to break into Rumple’s castle.  Because, if there were a witch trying to steal my baby I would totally want to break into the house of the guy who works for her that everyone calls “the dark one.”  Better take Robin Hood along to drool over, I mean for his experience in breaking into the castle.


In the castle they find the addle brained Rumple, who tells the foursome of the “good witch” Glenda who has been banished north of the dark forest.  Lots and lots of dark in this episode folks.  The catch to finding Glenda is that your heart must be pure to enter her isolation, which is behind a door, that otherwise leads to nowhere… Yeah, not digging the witches of Oz.  So, naturally Regina can’t go in, but Snow can, and that made me wonder.  We all know Snow killed Cora via dark candle and Regina herself showed Snow the dark speck on her heart, so how can you say Snow’s heart is pure?  Did the creators just miss that factoid?  I digress, Glenda isn’t much help anyway, explaining that only white magic can defeat Zelina, and the Charming’s jump on the “Emma is the savior” bandwagon as they declare that they will cast the dark curse!  See, lots of darkness.


Back in Storybrooke, the plot once again engulfs Henry.  Why does every plot line have to end in “Henry is the key to solving every problem land?”  With the adults searching for the book that started it all, thinking that it can help explain his life and make him believe, Henry has decided he is fed up with the crap and wants to head back to New York.  Way to take your ball and go home there Henry!  Thankfully, a sparkly jar of dirt, our scoundrel in residence Captain Hook is glad to attempt to get him out of town.  Save a lot of trouble as Zelina is already breathing down his neck to kiss Emma, peer pressure… what are you going to do?  This leads to another gigantic showdown with the flying monkeys, which makes it easier on Henry to believe that, maybe he isn’t normal…


So, we have Henry getting his memories back, Emma showing off some white magic and Zelina getting a taste of what Emma can do, not too shabby but, who cast the curse in the first place.  Well looks like it was the Charming’s, of course.  What’s that you say?  Why couldn’t anyone remember?  Why are they both alive if they loved each other above all else?  Well leave it to the belief that happy endings are real and the writers on the show to hurry through a complicated solution.  With help from Regina, Snow sacrificed Charming’s heart to enact the curse… So how is he still alive?  Well as luck would have it Regina is a magic heart surgeon and following the request of Snow splits Snow’s heart between the two of them.  So sweet I got a cavity, really… But of course all of this is interrupted by Zelina adding the forgetting spell to the dark curse.

Now who sent the potion?  We just saw that Killian couldn’t have gotten it from anyone of the people on the “good guy’s team.”  Once again we are gonna throw a story band aide on it revealing that Rumple and Neil had a brief split and it was Neil… That’s right Killian, go find the love of my life and give her back her memories, make sure to fall madly in love with her and flirt shamelessly!  Ack!  Thank god next week is the finale because it’s getting complicatedly lame… Sparrow Out!  

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