Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Perfectly Simple: A protein bar review

Today I decided to fight that 230 feeling with a peanut crunch Perfectly Simple bar by Zone Perfect.  Now I’ve never tried the “more complicated” Zone Perfect bar but I have to say the simple ones are perfectly delicious.

These protein bars have the benefits of being gluten free, 10 grams of protein, and only 6 ingredients.  They are composed of peanut butter, invert evaporated cane syrup, soy protein isolate, date paste, rolled oats and coconut so basically I can identify 5 out of 6.  Not bad, right?  As for the nutrition information, there are 190 calories and 70 of them are fat, and it sports 8 grams of fat with 2 being saturated.  Not the best thing to put in your face with 14 grams of sugar but the 10g of protein help, and it’s definitely better than a candy bar.

As far as the taste the oats and peanuts pair well together to make it really chewy with a decent density to it.  The date paste explains the darken color and even gives it a kind of chocolate finish, I’m guessing that’s because of the coconut combination.  I’m still searching for that one go to bar for an afternoon snack but this one wasn’t half bad and I can pronounce everything it was made of! 

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