Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wicked wizards: a face off review

Finally had time to re watch this yawn fest... Sorry for the delay.  So where we?  Oh yeah, we are dwindling down so now we need to see more house interaction, like cat, Corrine and Chloe having a girl power moment.

Now that we get past that crap the contestants head to the magic castle, an exclusive club for magicians to receive the details of the spotlight challenge.  They are met with a table of wands and instructions to create the character or wizard that will wield it.  Sadly, no one picked the wand I wanted.   Ice is amazing damn it!

In the first day of sculpting, Niko is the first to bitch with his hatred of wizards and love of robots... Thi isn't a robot challenge!  Chloe is setting herself up for failure with a filagre chest and neck piece.  Why god why?!  Daren and Rashad are going way simple as George, Grahm and Tyler prepare to go literally tooth and nail barking mad.

The walk through shows little promise for poor Niko who seriously is drowning in a sea of uninspiring-cliché.  It seems that all there is left is to scrap it all and start again with an armored idea.  Tyler is given a stricked warning about the shape of his chest and Cat refuses nose job advice.

Tyler is kicking ass again with the sculpted as he's already molding.  Day one ends with everyone reeling with various emotions and a sense of hatred of their creations.  Where some people seem to be losing touch, Grahm, Rashad, George, and Tyler are taking off. It's a really rediculous mix of energy.  The whine level Chloe is exuding could only be exhausting when I realize... Corrine and Daren haven't really said anything.  Corrine seems to be tribaling it up with a Mayan shaman look while Daren's molding a large nosed weird witch idea.  Yeah the middle is pretty boring I guess... 

The clock ticks away as last looks looms in the distance.  Thus far this is an insecure love hate creating process.  Daren is putting what looks like a wottle on his witches face... It's a buzzard witch!  Tyler is well done by close of the day, and even though he's always energetic, he's even more so...

On application, George's model is alergic to the glue that holds down the prosthetic.  Don't they check for that?!  Thankfully George ran a second face.  Everyone is running around like crazy to paint and glue.  Chloe as always hates her work, Niko is wondering how he's going to finish, Tyler's done, Corrine is painting and painting and painting, Goerge is overwhelmed and the beat goes on.

Last looks is more like a samba of insanity as they rush through details, thankfully there is a big push in even painting this week which is refreshing.  I can already tell I hate most of these looks.

Cat: Dear god, what is that orange thing?  It looks like a broncos fan on their way to Woodstock got lost in a box of bargain wax flowers.  I get the nature reference but this seems more pixie meets extreme self tanning accident.  Sorry but this is ruff.

Chloe:  From far away all that filagre work looks like gold is dripping from mishapen breasts or a bearded blonde who could put a dwarfs face fuzz to shame.  Up close that beauty makeup is doing you no favors honey.  Another ouch to the XX team.

Corrine:  Now she did go the other way and did a smaller sculpt.  Wisely she played to her paint skills.  This Mayan shamon looks decent and the blending is good, not top look good but nicely done.

Tyler:  It's an ent! An ent magician, well done but not inspired.

George:  This is amazeballs lol!  No really there is a free floating face, the armor is well detailed and blended.  Ultimately an example the right way to do a kind of bio-mechanical.

Daren:  No!  This is pretty much a weird chicken witch, with a sink the titanic shnoze.  There is really, in my opinion, no design element worth saving.

Rashad:  Simple, safe, spiked...

Grahm:  Voodoo wizard.  Stereotype.

Niko:  Dear god man what happened? This is a guy in shitty armor that doesn't even look metal!  

So the judges are now making their comments and to be honest it's nothing you wouldn't already be yelling at your tv!  Mind you I'm no expert but apparently I have decent taste, or this is completely obvious...

In the end George gets the win.  Totally well deserved.  Cat gets the axe, much to Nikos dismay... But what she should be mad about is the announcement that everyone's going to Japan.  Poor Cat, Yeah Japan!

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